Participation in conferences and events

Find updates on future events here!

  • CRYSTINART Symposium | Thursday 1st of February 2024. 13:00-18:00 CET

    In the last years, the aim of the CRYSTINART project was to develop an integrated approach for understanding, modelling and analyzing the decay mechanisms of layered artworks due to salt crystallization.

    NICAS will host a full afternoon of lectures and discussions in this interdisciplinary topic by inviting different experts and by gathering scientists, conservation scientists, museum conservators and art historians.

  • We are excited to announce the PhD defense of Tinhinane Chekai | 19 December 2023 @ 2pm

    Title of the PhD thesis that will be presented: “X-ray tomography for in-situ characterization of salt weathering in layered porous media“.

    The PhD defense will be held at the University of Pau and pays de l’Adour, Amphi A. The event is open to the public and can be followed live!

  • Dissemination : Rozeline Wijnhorst in the Next Viva Fysica in the Netherlands | 26 January 2024

    Every year, the teachers' symposium Viva Fysica is again on the last Friday in January. The symposium is organized for physics professors, and students interested in physics are also more than welcome! Scientists talk about the latest developments in their physics research.

    Conference : 'Kristallisatie in erfgoed en kunst'.

  • CNRS bronze medal Dr. Derluyn | December 2021

    Congratulations to Dr. Derluyn who got the CNRS bronze medal for her work on fluid-solid interactions during crystallization processes in geomaterials.

  • French Interpore Conference on Porous Media JEMP | October 26-27 2021

    Structural, chemical and hygric characterization of antique Dutch tiles and their susceptibility to salt damage.

    T. Chekaia, R. Wijnhorst, P. Senechal, M.P. Isaured, S. de Miranda, L. Pel, N. Shahidzadeh, H. Derluyn

  • Fifth International Conference on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures, SWBSS | September 22-24 2021

    Crystallization damage at the interfaces of Dutch tin glazed tiles.

    Rozeline Wijnhorst, Tinhinane Chekai , Stefano de Miranda, Leo Pel, Hannelore Derluyn and Noushine Shahidzadeh

  • JPI cultural heritage and ANR kickoff meeting | September 2021

    Presentation by N. Shahidzadeh

  • International biannual CRYSPOM workshop | June 7-9 2021

    The role of the chemical, hygroscopic and structural properties of an antique tile in its susceptibility to salt damage.

    Tinhinane Chekai , Pascale senechal, Marie-Pierre Isaure, Peter Moonen, Hannelore Derluyn

  • NICAS project week | Nov. 30 - Dec. 4 2020

    Presentation by N. Shahidzadeh