Thursday 1st of February 2024. 13:00 - 18:00 CET

 Crystallization Damage at the Interfaces of Artworks’ 

In the last years, the aim of the CRYSTINART project was to develop an integrated approach for understanding, modelling and analyzing the decay mechanisms of layered artworks due to salt crystallization.

NICAS will host a full afternoon of lectures and discussions in this interdisciplinary topic by inviting different experts and by gathering scientists, conservation scientists, museum conservators and art historians.

Program information

13:00 Welcome

13:05 Presentation CRYSTINART Project

Crystallization damage at interfaces of artworks – JPICH Conservation and Protection Call

  • Context of CRYSTINART & Case Studies from the Rijksmuseum – Prof. Noushine Shahidzadeh (University of Amsterdam) and Isabelle Garachon (Rijksmuseum)

  • Experimental Results – Dr. Leo Pel (Technical University Eindhoven) and Dr. Hannelore Derluyn (University of Pau, UPPA-France)

  • Modelling Results – Dr. Stefano de Miranda (University of Bologna, Italy)

13:50 Salt Crystallization in the Fresco Paintings of Pompeii, from the In Situ and Laboratory Study to the Modelling.

Dr. Maite Maguregui (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain)

14:20     Understanding Architectural Tiles Decay, Challenges and Strategies for its Conservation.

Dr. Silvia Pereira (National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Materials Department, Portugal)

14:50    Coffee Break

15:20    Monitoring degradation of layered and porous materials with advanced imaging, spectroscopy and remote sensing techniques.

Prof. Haida Liang (Nottingham Trent University, Head of the Imaging & Sensing for Archaeology, Art History & Conservation (ISAAC) research group)

15:50     Mortars with Mixed-in Crystallization Inhibitors for an Improved Resistance to Salt Decay.

Dr. Barbara Lubelli (TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment)

16:20     Frescoes Conservation and Physico-Chemical Characterization.

Prof. Piero Baglioni (University of Florence, Chair of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and CSG)

16:50     Drinks and visit to the ateliers.